Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Last updated and published: 16.05.2022

Contact us: To contact us, please use the contact form provided on this website or send an email to

1.Note to read the Privacy Policy

The privacy policy provides you with a comprehensive presentation on how we handle and process your personal data (including: collecting, storing, processing, sharing and protecting your data). We remind you that before you use our services, it is your obligation, in accordance with our Terms of Use, to read, understand and agree to our privacy policy in addition to our Terms of Use.

We value your privacy very much and strive to make the privacy policy as understandable as possible. However, we cannot rule out the possibility that you may not be able to understand the Privacy Policy in part. If so, please contact us before expressing your consent to our Privacy Policy and we will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

2.Responsibility for Data Protection

Responsibility for data protection lies with Safety Tax Free GmbH (referred to in the following as “we”), based in Zeppelinstr. 33, 85748 Garching b. Munich in Germany, commercial register number HRB 225103 of the district court of Munich.

We act with regard to data protection according to the General Data Protection Regulation of the EU. Supervisory authority is the Bavarian State Office for Data Protection: Bayerisches Landesamt für Datenschutzaufsicht, Promenade 27, 91522 Ansbach, Tel.: +49 981 53 1228, E-Mail:

3.Purpose of Data Processing

When offering our services, it is likely that we will perform data processing to fulfil the contract with you or to fulfil our legal obligations. It may also happen that we carry out data processing in order to improve our services – in the case that your consent is given to us – otherwise data processing with this purpose will not be carried out.

4.Basic Principles of Data Processing

We carry out data processing base on the following principles.

4.1.Contractual obligations 

We carry out data processing when we have contracted with you and the data processing is partly or fully necessary for us to fulfil the obligations arising from the contract with you.

4.2.Regulatory obligations 

We carry out data processing when we are required by law to perform data processing in whole or in part.

4.3.Personal consent

We carry out data processing when we obtain consent from you that we recognize and which authorizes or obliges us to perform data processing in whole or in part.

5.Data collected by Us

Data we collect from you is divided into the following categories.

5.1.Data that you submit to us

If you use the contact form on our website or contact us by e-mail, we will collect, process and use the personal information you provide in your request for the purpose of processing your request.

5.2.Data that we collect when you visit our website or use our services

    Generally, when you visit our website, your following data will be recorded during the ongoing connection for communication between your internet browser and our web server:

  • Date and time of request;
  • Name of requested file;
  • Page from which file was requested;
  • Access status (file transfer, file not found, etc);
  • Web browser and operating system;
  • Full IP address of requesting computer;
  • Transferred amount of data.

For technical and security reasons, we temporarily store data. An identification of one individual person is not possible using this data.

5.2.1.Web Tracking Method (Range Measurement)

When you visit our website, we do not use any analysis programs or other techniques for evaluating user behaviour on our website.

5.2.2.Active Components

The use of active components such as Java applets or Active X controls is not available for our website. JavaScript will be used to provide the search function and the possibility of encrypted contact.


Cookies are pieces of information stored directly on the computer that you are using. Cookies may allow us to collect information such as browser type, time spent on the Services, pages visited, language preferences, and other traffic data. We do not use cookies on this website.

6.Storage of collected Data

We store collected data on a server provided by an external service provider which is located in the territory of the EU and offers high-level security. The service provider has no right to access the stored data.

7.Use of collected Data

We use the collected data to achieve the purposes outlined in section 3 above.

8.Transfer of collected Data

We will only pass on your data in the following situations:

8.1.With your consent

We will pass on collected data if you give us your consent. In this case we will carry out the transfer under instructions of your consent.

8.2.Regulatory situations

We will pass on the collected data in a reasonable scope to courts, law enforcement agencies and other government agencies or authorized third parties if the disclosure is required from an objective point of view for the following purposes:

  • to fulfil the legal obligations;
  • in response to the claims made against us.
8.3.Contractual Situations

We will pass on the collected data to external service providers to a reasonable extent or grant access rights to the collected data to external service providers if the disclosure is required to provide our services and only if a contract processing agreement between us and the external service provider is completed and the external service provider is familiar with the fact that the data transmitted by us must fulfil the statutory data protection obligations. These service providers have limited access to your data to perform their tasks on our behalf and are under contractual obligations to protect them and use them only for the exact purposes for which they were shared and in accordance with this Privacy Policy. 

We engage external service providers to support us in the following areas:

  • development, maintenance and troubleshooting of our website;
  • providing our services through third-party platforms and software tools (for example through integration with our technical interfaces, conventionally referred to as APIs);
  • providing technical support, such as external technical development service providers to develop relevant technical functions.
9.Your Rights

You may contact us to exercise the rights described in the following:

  • Access to your personal data
  • Update and correction of your personal data
  • Export of your personal data
  • Deletion of your personal data
  • Revocation of consent and restriction of processing

You also have the right to restrict our use of your personal information if: 

  • the validity of your personal information is disputed; 
  • the processing is unlawful; 
  • the personal data is no longer necessary for our processing and you need the personal data for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims; or 
  • you object to our processing and it is not yet determined if the legitimate interests of us outweigh your own.
10.Data Security
10.1.Data Security in general

We strive to protect your personal information from unauthorized access, unauthorized alteration, disclosure or destruction. We use the following measures to do this:

  • we encrypt the necessary data transaction paths of our services using SSL;
  • we always carry out the exporting and deleting of your personal data requested by you only after a successful verification of your personal identity;
  • we restrict access to personal information only to employees and contractors who need access to perform the tasks assigned to them, who are subject to strict confidentiality obligations and who may be disciplined or dismissed if they fail to comply with these obligations.
10.2.Security of Data Transfer

We realize transport encryption with HTTPS with Perfect Forward Secrecy and the current encryption protocol TLS 1.2. The transmission of data you send us using the contact form on our website is also encrypted in terms of content and the decryption of this data can only be carried out by us.

11.Scope of the Privacy Policy

Our privacy policy applies to this website including your contact with us. This Privacy Policy does not apply to other services or that have separate privacy policies.


If necessary, we will change our Privacy Policy and publish the changes on this page. Any changes to our Privacy Policy will become effective upon its publishing. The “Last Updated and published” at the top of the page of this Privacy Policy indicates the date this Privacy Policy was last revised and published. Your visit of the website and the use of the Services provides by this website or your contact sent to the email published on this website means that you accept the published Privacy Policy.